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The Nazi and the Barber | Trying to comfort the great sadness of humanity with laughter

The Nazi and the Barber | Edgar Hilsenrath | Trying to comfort the great sadness of humanity with laughter The Jews 'Itzig Finkelstei...

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Daughter of the River | Poverty that can never be a 'romanticized monster'

Daughter of the River | Hong Ying | Poverty that can never be a 'romanticized monster' I have no big meaning, I will classify ...

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Googled | Was Google good? After that?

Googled | Ken Auletta | Was Google good? After that? 'Google' which achieved democratization of information and knowledge If ...

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Social Policy in the Third Reich | Timothy W. Mason

Social Policy in the Third Reich | He was ankle himself to the legend that he stabbed the sword in the back Since the Nazi regime in 1...

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'Hitler state' brought by multiple domination and...

Martin Broszat | 'Hitler state' brought by multiple domination and instructor's improvising command system Germany from th...

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The Prince and the Pauper | Like a tonic to heal the mental fatigue and inspire imagination

The Prince and the Pauper | Like a tonic to heal the mental fatigue and inspire imagination M ark Twain is a light-hearted humorous se...

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The Gestapo | A tool to support the 'arbitrary state' of the 'dual state'

The Gestapo | Rupert Butler | A tool to support the 'arbitrary state' of the 'dual state' Okhrana in the Empire Russia...

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The truth about socialism | The essence of mistake is in the system, not the person

The truth about socialism | Leo Huberman | The essence of mistake is in the system, not the person 'In the interests of the compan...

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The Four Books(四书) | Who ate human flesh for them?

The Four Books(四书) | Yan Lianke | Who ate human flesh for them? In the summer of 1958, the great leap forward movement started with Ma...

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大道之行 | A book that the pride of the socialist power is felt intensely

大道之行: 中國共產黨與中國社會主義 | A book that the pride of the socialist power is felt intensely “When the 大道 is done, the heavens will be all thin...

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Cadres Noirs | Why did you bring Beretta to his recruitment test?

Cadres Noirs | Pierre Lemaitre | Why did you bring Beretta to his recruitment test? There is no relation with the author of 『Cadres No...

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