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The truth about socialism | The essence of mistake is in the system, not the person

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The truth about socialism | Leo Huberman | The essence of mistake is in the system, not the person

'In the interests of the company, the share for employees is 7%, shareholders share is 36%' (『Cadres Noirs』 by Pierre Lemaitre). The trick is a bear and the money is obtained by Doenom, and the capitalist system is exactly such a dress. The capitalist system screams enthusiastically, the opportunity like the myth of 'American dream'' that anyone can work hard to work hard is really equal? Looking at Jonathon Porritt's 『Capitalism as if the World Matters』, children born in wealthy families in the United States grew and the probability of entering the rich family, which belongs to the top 5 percent, is 22 percent, whereas poor It says that only 1 percent of children are from home. But the surprising fact is that the original Americans do not think so. According to regularly announced findings, 75% of Americans believe in the myth of 'American Dream'' that if anyone still works hard, anyone can be rich. In other words, capitalism seduces people to the sweet expectation that anyone can be rich, but when looking at the statistics on income distribution, it shows the harsh reality that only hope remains as hope There. In effect, these baits keep their blessed pawns blindly defending capitalist regime subsequently to their descendants. The old reason is that the innovative change of old capitalism is not the biggest reason for the strong opposition of the government which plays the role of a great doll of capital class and capital class but also helped anyone to work hard and rich Ignorance and weakness of the common people who caught the empty bait that they can become it also helps.

Dare to dedicate capitalist consolidation chain Looking at the statistics in the United States, Korea's Income inequality statistics provided by The World Wealth and Income Database that the top 10% income share is 27.0% (1979) to 44.9 (1979) 2012), with the top 1% income share running at 7.5% and running at 12.2%. Korea can also know that income inequality is definitely getting worse as I go.

The poor phenomenon of rich and poor that capitalism has caused is silk, not just the problem of today. 『The truth about socialism by Leo Huberman』 is the most abundant year in the American history before the Second World War and in 1929 the US national income achieved a new record, Most of the general public prove that it is very poor through reliable statistics and materials. Huberman criticizes capitalism critically and analyzes many of the materials supporting this by citing quotes from system advocates such as successive US presidents and documentaries, not socialism and communists, persuading Enhance your power.

The chronic problem of the capitalist system mentioned by Huberman is not limited to the disparity of silkiness, rich and poor. Capitalism is inefficient, unreasonable, and there was no John Wilopji, so hold a blind spot with reflux, stick exploitation, poverty, anxiety, war, depression. And another time, when Huberman lived, it was not a big concern, but now we can cite climate change threatening the future of mankind as seriously as the problems described above. Capitalism is the main criminal causing environmental pollution and climate change by quickly depleting natural capital. In a nutshell, capitalism is an aging old system. On the other hand, Huberman says that all the economic systems in the world will be born and developed, matured and declined, replaced with other economic systems, capitalism will also be like feudalism Predict. And point out scientific socialism of capitalistic alternatives.

Huberman clearly states the intent of writing that the book is merely a 'outline of capitalism and socialism tutorial' that outlines the whole. As a result, people without prior knowledge can easily understand the nature of capital and the benefits and losses of capitalist systems with relatively simple and clear explanation. However, the value of this book is a clear explanation of scientific socialism that may upset misunderstandings into the perception of socialism. In addition, I will not forget the deliberate fantasy of fancy that socialism will solve everything, skipping illusions of utopian socialism to one room. Socialism never brings earthly heaven like the Garden of Eden The obvious fact is to eliminate the major hurdles of the capitalist regime development, poverty, anxiety, war, to promote human welfare and happiness .

The capitalistic evil is not currently a problem limited only to the inside of one of the countries. Beyond the level of exploiting workers in the country all the problems mentioned by Huberman have been, companies have expanded to the international standards of exploiting companies, the state exploiting the state. Capitalist stigma was nothing more than yesterday today, and now it is also a popular problem most people seriously consider about once or twice. Still, we do not think seriously considering the transition to socialism. Perhaps this is due to the great impact of the capital class that only spiritually disseminates the word 'socialism', but it can not ignore the bitter historical experience of China and the Soviet Union. However, just as recognizing the capitalistic evils, improving it, just as it is impossible to sell Jesus messages centering on 'love' by fraudsters and pastor's ridiculous things Whether it is socialism or something similar to socialism, you can make a choice to the garbage box, but you can not help but think that it is right.

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