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'Hitler state' brought by multiple domination and...

The Hitler State: The Foundation and Development of the Internal Structure of the Third Reich | poster

Martin Broszat | 'Hitler state' brought by multiple domination and instructor's improvising command system

Germany from the handling of Hitler and Nazis followers power until the defeat can not be clearly explained in existing concepts such as dictatorship, totalitarianism, militarism, one-party rule. Although the absoluteism which is not irrelevant to the private influence of Hitler and the myth of 'great leader' appears more clearly as going to the latter part, how much it is, even if you have excellent individual talent, the ambassador of the country While looking at all jobs, you can not decide and command everything. In addition, Hitler did not have a delicate and delicate person, it was not an intellectual and logical insight but an incendation dependent on passionate emotions and intention of improvisation. So Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Martin Ludwig Bormann, Heinrich Luitpold Himmler who delegated full authority from Hitler, special organizations such as Nazi big people and Organization Todt, Schutzstaffel exercised power instead of Hitler and destroyed the law order, leaders Their willingness is represented, and these were able to penetrate the will of individuals under such name. By doing so, we can overcome the conservative centralized government dictatorship who was dissatisfied with the radical Nazi party and the excessive interference of the Nazis who was aiming at a global overthrow of the state and social order It was. In other words, while three powers such as one party of the Nazi Party, centralized government dictatorship and Hitler's private guidance absolute principle are in conflict with each other, they are both developing but mutually harmful , The competition and cooperation system was not intended by anyone The country that maintained unstable coexistence while holding in harmony is exactly the 'Hitler State'.

Martin Broszat is Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick, supported by traditional maintenance and management, at 『The Hitler State: The Foundation and Development of the Internal Structure of the Third Reich(Der Staat Hitlers: Grundlegung und Entwicklung seiner inneren Verfassung)』 Although the representative Nazi state book called the authority ordering state was unable to prevent decentralized Nazi powerfuls' own original will and exceptional control of special organization, but by the exceptional state, the administrative state It is a point that maintaining order as soon as the legal vacuum condition brought by special power is not enough to make the Nazis regime break down, so 'coexistence' of decentralized control with the centralized state Explain that it is the essence of Hitler country(as well as coexistence of legal unity and exceptional law).

Analyzing the complex interior of Nazism and the Third Reich while maintaining depth and refinement does not rely on superficial incident technology, it clearly logically describes the constitution of the Nazi regime and its structure The brochure book analyzed Nazis is a perfect choice for readers who wants to understand the relationship between Nazi and Hitler. Also, although the struggle against Nazis' ideology was Jewish, Marxism, pacifism, democracy opposed and concrete and clearly fixed, destroying the old order as such, the newly constructed utopian like The concept and goal of the new order It is not intentionistic interpretation biased towards ideology in that it is very ambiguous, but the structural functional analysis of the brotoch seems to stand out. The motive power and destructive power of Hitler countries is not derived from the Nazi ideology itself but rather the result of multiple inheritance of the Nazis regime and inefficient inefficiency of the leader, resulting from an inefficient continuous command system.

It is a difficult and hard book as it is an academic book, but it was not surprisingly boring. Recalling that there were not too many memories that read academic papers as ambitiously so much is a book that has no reason not to recommend such a field to liked readers. Many books that I did not get after reading but I could not understand everything Aun also as I was not able to understand what Nazism is, how it works, and how Hitler affects By exercising power, we could obtain rough concepts of how the Nazis regime was unstable but maintained. That alone is a big profit.

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