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The Nazi and the Barber | Trying to comfort the great sadness of humanity with laughter

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The Nazi and the Barber | Edgar Hilsenrath | Trying to comfort the great sadness of humanity with laughter

The Jews 'Itzig Finkelstein'? Or the mass murderer 'Max Schulz'

Max Schulz, although he inherited the pure Aryan lineage, a frog eyeball, a dent in his thick lips like a sausage, and not a Jew, but a Jewish person, like a blonde with blue eyes, a sharp nose, a delicately curved lips Max Schulz contrasts with a Jewish friend Itzig Finkelstein who was born on the same day with a tooth. Max Schulz, who seems to be Jewish but never Jewish, loses his chastity in the longest and strongest cock in the street in his first seven weeks of birth, and has been baptized by his cocksucker. Max Schulz, who has inherited a stupid head even though he is a clear Arian, but has become a good barber who has tried to follow his friend.

Max Schulz was touched by Hitler's speech, following the tide of the times, becoming the henchman of the SS, and doing just what he was supposed to do, becoming a genocide. On a cold winter's day when he was out of the war and returning home from the Polish forests, unlike his colleagues, he did not get his head cut off from the Polish partizan, In addition, his penis is not cut off, and he gets a lot of Jewish gold in spoils, and he comes back to Germany to become a black market merchant. After the war was over, his name was published in a newspaper as a mass murderer, and he was wanted and in danger, he carved his Auschwitz number on his wrist and borrowed the name of his friend Itzig Finkelstein who died at the camp, Max Schulz, or Itzig Finkelstein becomes a Jewish master in Jewish history than any Jew. He left Germany after a losing battle, he became a pioneer, he became a liberation fighter, he settled in Palestine, and then he married Max Schulz or Itzig Finkelstein as a model and honest barber.

Not as welcome as in Germany

Edgar Hilsenrath's 『The Nazi and the Barber』 is a book that sells one million copies in the United States, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom. At the time of publication, the national trauma left by the Holocaust, the greatest tragedy of human history in the mid 70s, was still shaded in Germany, and the perpetrators, like the hero of the work, lived well as though they had trampled on six million lives. Not only that, but most of them, like Itzig Finkelstein or the mass murderer Max Schulz, suffered from guilt, or had a crush on their conscience,

In other words, most mass murderers, like Max Schulz, did not receive any trial, social sanctions, or boast or criticism. So they lived their lives in a mixture of German people who are under the guilt of conscience (although the German people are not direct assailants), and the 『The Nazi and the Barber』 It is also quite uncomfortable for readers. In addition, this book further makes Max Schulz, a genocidal murderer, more Jewish than Jewish. It is then transformed into a heroic Jews helped pull the nation of Israel, not ordinary Jews.

The book satirizes Germany, where mass slaughterers such as Max Schulz have allowed them to operate in Germany. On the other hand, it mocked the Jewish society which set up such mass murderer as the Israel foundation nation hero. Holocaust is a serious and serious material. However, the 『The Nazi and the Barber』 is a cynical, yet humorous way of singing the Holocaust. As a result, it is chemically transformed into some kind of comic material. It would not have been so nice to publish this book, which seemed to represent the perpetrators of the perpetrators in Germany at the time the perpetrators were still playing a part in society.

Did Max Schulz really think he was innocent?

Although Max Schulz acknowledges her sins, she escapes that she merely swayed violence based on orders, on the other hand. He is not obstinate of his wrongs and he does not feel any punishment or guilt of conscience at all. He forced a trial like Trotsky (In April 1937, Stalin prosecuted Trotsky for simulating the overthrow of the Soviet regime: in exile in Mexico, Trotsky tried a mock trial and was acquitted) by himself and declared himself innocent after repeated arguments over argument. Does Max Schulz really think he's innocent? Or did he worry that he might fall into guilt and want to be comforted by denying his sins? The changes in the social and physical environment are not absolutely perceived, but I think of the effect of 'Shifting base-lines', which is always perceived only relative to the observer's position. People do not feel guilty at the end as they kill Paris or Mosquito. Hitler's and Nazi's persistent propaganda and instigation made it possible to deviate by manipulating the perpetrators' values. The Nazi systematic and divisional massacre has simplified slaughter to repetitive, simple labor as if it were produced in factories. This has removed the guilt of the perpetrators. This is similar to that of Yukichi Fukuzawa, who provided the ideological basis for the Nanjing massacre that occurred later by instigating Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, etc. as animal beasts less than dogs and pigs. So I think Max Schulz really thought he was innocent.

At the end

The atmosphere of the book deals with the horrifying Holocaust, but the contents of the book are neither heavy nor creepy. There is no criticism or criticism against the perpetrators. There is no repentance. No one suffers from guilt and is not angry. A dead person is a person who can not come back alive in any way. So living people should live happily. If this is not possible, at least it seems that the book should protest that it should be taken away from the bondage of the past and live like a human being. even if you plant 6 million trees for a dead person, or track and avenge the perpetrators, ironically, it's for those who live. Even a hundred times such a thing can not comfort the souls of the victims. The dead man slept forever without knowing anything. For those who died without any fault, a living person can not do anything. That is the great sorrow of mankind that can not be healed forever. In this regard, this book tries to appease with laughter.

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