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Social Policy in the Third Reich | Timothy W. Mason

Social Policy in the Third Reich: The Working Class and the 'National Community' | poster

Social Policy in the Third Reich | He was ankle himself to the legend that he stabbed the sword in the back

Since the Nazi regime in 1933, Germany tries to do social and economic power to expand defense strength and expand the military industry in order to carry out Hitler's expansion policy. Still, the German economy had decided the invasive war, and during the years when it was preparing and during the years since the outbreak of the war, the German economy was also going around between "exhibition economy" and "economy of peace". At the same time, the aftereffects of halfway policy that was a peacetime economy was not too difficult at the same time, after the shortage of Poland advancement, the shortage of bombs and vehicle contents is too big, It was impossible even for warfare for several months. For this reason, Hitler 's invasion plan of Hitler' s planned in October 1939 had to abandon due to the general 's opposition that the armed state of the army was outrageously insufficient.

Timothy W. Mason, author of 『Social policy in the Third Reich: the working class and the national community(Sozialpolitik im Dritten Reich)』 said that this problem, that is, when the military supplies of the country that had prepared the war planned from ancient times actually waged war, Under circumstances where military supplies were scarce, we are looking for reasons why we had only had war with the internal contradiction of Nazi society, economic system. It is a conflict between the Nazis and the working class.

In 1933, the Nazis exercised power Japjamaja labor union and worker political parties and organizations such as communist and socialist forces were destroyed. The workers enough to seem as if the working class itself has completely disappeared are anthropomorphic thoroughly riding in accordance with the Nazi war plan. The workers had no choice but to watch the labor unions that spoke for their interests and social rights vaguely without angrily slashing themselves without any resistance at their eyes. Workers suffering from the fear of poverty and unemployment in the aftermath of the Great Depression did not even have a single finger, and the resistance organized due to intense survival competition could not dream.

But ironically, the situation Nazis pushed the military economy situation was reversed. In preparation for the war, full employment is carried out in a situation where the German economy is fully operational, and when the company is in a situation to support bribes to keep workers caught, the workers are forged camouflaged strikes, absenteeism, leave workshops , Sickness, carelessness during work, command disobedience etc passively resisted Nazis.

Nevertheless, the Nazis immediately hesitated to violently suppress workers by using Gestapo. From 1938 to 1941, when the 'Appearance Only War of War' was the victory of Germany in war, and still Britain came to the fore, and so the pressure and crisis of war were weak, There was nothing good to repress. In addition, the trauma of Hitler's arbitrary interpretation of the First World War was vivid. In other words, the cause of the First World War was not the overwhelming quantity of the Allied forces, but rather that the labor movement and the Jews betrayed the enemy in the midst of the war by the November Revolution.

In order to prepare for the war, the Nazis had to de-anthropomorphize the working class, to repress and reproach mercilessly, but on the other hand, if it is necessary to secure the worker's political loyalty, it is fundamental Because of the contradiction, Mason explains that the idea that society can afford the burden of war never existed. In other words, if you receive the social needs of every worker every time, trouble will arise in military production, mobilizing Gestapo etc. to respond violently, 'get stabbed in the back,' the danger will be increased. The fear of being able to welcome a knife such as the one which made Nazi impossible to introduce a poor exhibition economy. The exhibition economy was finally taken in 1943 when the war broke out and the charter was inclined to some extent. The Nazis greeted with the equal sword had become a dress that owned a contradiction burden if it had to secure the loyalty though it was necessary to exploit workers becoming a legitimate thing that was created by himself.

Principles of being able to win war only by Hitler's indomitable will can not find its utility in the conflict between the Nazis and the working class. Bread has the highest priority to rule the people, but as bread is filled, people's demands such as clothes and houses will increase. To some extent, this request can be bought and pushed down by publicity and thought education, but if these demands are tremendously ignored, in many cases riots and revolutions will occur, the government overthrows, the king May change. There was no worry of the Nazis at all. By the way, you can understand that Hitler disliked Communism so much. If the German communism does not take root, Nazis could secure the loyalty of more workers.

Hitler and Nazis, who seemed to have seemingly absolute powers, faced many obstacles and difficulties in preparing for war, and they seemed unable or unwilling to resolve these complex problems. It may be that the Nazis and the government have overtaken the problems that can not be neglected, and have given up on Hitler who has caused the war with gambling and fugitive agitation. Their radicality worked rather hard to solve the problems of the reality, but rather to make the utopia, which will be unfolded in the future, seem as if it had come to the front and to cover up and overcome the problems of reality. Perhaps when they took power, it might be too late to put a brake on the urgency to solve the problems of reality. Radicality was already the most powerful force to move and maintain the Nazi whirlpools, and the fact that Nazis themselves braked their urgency meant the annihilation of the vortex, the suicide of the Nazis. So they may be forced to go forward as if they were being chased by the god of death. However, the human being was sometime exhausted and could not win against the ideal god. Their destruction was not the internal betrayal of a knife hit behind the back, but the destined destiny of those who relied on everything for urgency.

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