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The Gestapo | A tool to support the 'arbitrary state' of the 'dual state'

The Gestapo: A History of Hitler's Secret Police | Book cover
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The Gestapo | Rupert Butler | A tool to support the 'arbitrary state' of the 'dual state'

Okhrana in the Empire Russian era, since the revolution of October 1917, the Soviet Union Cheka and KGB, the third empire Gestapo(Geheime Staatspolizei) and after the Second World War following the Second World War, under the autocratic regime such as Stasi of East Germany, the hungry dog Following faithfully, like on the other hand, there are secret police that acted as a tool of violence to maintain the administration. It was the main task to detect and block these slight anti-systematic crimes, but utilize the ambiguity of 'anti-systematic' definition and interpretation to monitor the citizens' every move forward did. If anyone took over their fine mesh, composed of numerous sources and pushers, that person disappeared in the life of neighbors or friends, neither mice nor birds knew. And as I said, neighbors and friends also did not find the vanished person or the family dare. Since even the laws that stood before these were colorless, once they had to endure the severe torture with sounds that were hidden on them, for example sounds that were trapped in a humid cell lacking all light, food, etc and tried not to try . Still it was fortunate to survive without dying.

『The Gestapo: A History of Hitler's Secret Police 1933-45 by Rupert Butler』 This book is the book of the secret police Gestapo of the Third Empire, notoriously as the enforcer of the Holocaust. Prussia Attention Internal Prime Minister Hermann Wilhelm Göring began to political police in the Prussian state police to the idea, Gestapo was handed over to the helper leader Heinrich Luitpold Himmler, separated from the internal affairs administration and is institutionally independent. Hitler left himself directly to exercise a powerful power agency indispensable for maintaining the structure or to load him(Himmler etc.) to give personal loyalty to him. This made the 'power of the leader' existing outside the party and the state realized by positioning 'private leader - believer's relationship' as the structural element of the power organization, which is the behavior unique to Nazism . 'General Bureau of Construction of Tote Bag' and 'Armed Guards' are examples of special power authorities connected directly to Hitler separately from the Nazi party and the state, while also laying the foundation of the Nazi party and the state(reference: 『The Hitler State: The Foundation and Development of the Internal Structure of the Third Reich by Martin Broszat』)

Jewish Ernst Fraenkel, who was a labor law scholar in the Weimar Republic and acted as a trade union specialist and exiled to the United States in 1938, published his own book 『The Dual State: A Contribution to the Theory of Dictatorship』 to grasp that the Nazis state was 'Normative state'' and at the same time was 'Arbitrary state'. The normative state is a country indispensable for the Nazi regime to function capitalistically as a legalistic state based on the consistency with the legal norms, and the arbitrary nation is an exorbitant means(reference: 『The Hitler State: The Foundation and Development of the Internal Structure of the Third Reich by Martin Broszat』).

It was precisely an important device to suppress Gestapo as an 'Arbitrary state' against the Nazis' opposing power as an extrinsic means. They were able to steadily progress 'Final solution' of the Jewish problem as efficiently as a company planning and mass producing products.

Not only the Third Reich, Eastern Germany, the former Soviet Union, but all governments are secret institutions like South Korea's National Intelligence Service (NIS) that actively deal with intrigue and threats that fail to overthrow the national order I have one by one. But Butler says that the more government dictatorships, the more the way they use them, the more likely it will be tough harshness. Even without dare to go back to the Gestapo era, when you recall Park, Mr. Park, The Central Intelligence Agency at the time of the Doo Hwan dictatorship, and the National Security Planning Agency, you can know that the words are not mistaken. And when I talk about secret police story, I think of the harsh torture of curse which was done in various ways such as speaking for infinite creativity of human being who diverges in any field. However, the point that I care about the real unbearable point is the fact that high characters are family members, and sometimes they are the fathers of families who put up to their children. When these counselors are completed, they go back home like any employee and work hard so that they touch a beautiful wife and a cute child and dine together. How can such a thing be possible? How can you forget to wash your blood easily like this? Can we consider tantalizing as a taste like other things that are routinely repeated even by insulting one person and torturing them?

J. M. Coetzee's 『Waiting for the barbarians』 has been tortured "and" I seriously ask a person who tortured me (in the same sense as I hold a doubt) a question.

"If this question seems to be an assumption, please forgive me.How can you eat food after you handle it? It is a possible trip? I would like to ask this question I would like to ask the people of the same category as the executioners ... I just want to understand ... I understand the world you live in I'm trying hard to imagine how you breathe in and eat and live everyday.However, it is that I confuse you! I am talking to yourself like this If I was that person, the feeling that my hand was too dirty, let me suffocate ... ... " (in teh Text)

The question was the same as my expectation as to the answer of the person who received the wonder.

"You, this crazy fucking guy's girl! Do not go too far! Wherever you go go get it!"
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