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V-2 | Rocket development that started in a far-away dream of human beings as space travel

V-2: A Combat History of the First Ballistic Missile | book cover
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V-2: A Combat History of the First Ballistic Missile | Rocket development that started in a far-away dream of human beings as space travel

At the time of World War II, there was a new weapon called V-2, the first ballistic missile in Germany. As one North Korea is mobilizing all the national strength and developing one ballistic missile system can wear multiple nuclear warheads, in many cases it has huge destructive power to pick up the extinction of mankind There. But is it a terrible performance from Jinyeoggi compared to such a modern missile system? Or from the stigma of weapons of defeated nation? V-2, which Germany developed at the time of World War II, was not so widely known as a weak body of innovative technology just to confuse many experts at the time, and experts A historical evaluation also dominated critical criticism which was a comprehensive waste of time and labor, resources.

Like the harsh history assessment, was V-2 a bad weapon even in the actual war? On the contrary, 『V-2: A Combat History of the First Ballistic Missile by T. D Dungan』 is not so miserable as V-2's success got so rude, Explain that the military's strategic plan had a major impact.

From September 1944, on the coast of the Netherlands, the missiles launched to the UK were about 1,300 legs, of which more than 500 rockets each dropped in other parts of London's suburbs. The remainder do not cause serious damage to the Allied Powers as a criticism of history later, misfire due to various malfunctions, explosion in the air and so on. A total of 2,724 people lost their lives in the official statistics of life damage and 6,467 people were seriously injured. I think that many people were attacked by the weapons of V-1 and V-2 only in the UK, but in fact it was different. Antwerp, which was used as a major supply base of the Allied forces after the Normandy landing operations, received more V-2 attacks than London as V-2 more than 1,600 drops in total for 6 months. It was over 30,000 people who might be casualties.

More than anything, the real power of the V-2 attack has evoked an infinite fear in the attacked citizens. V-2 suddenly attacked and could not take such measures as air raid warnings, and at that time the Allied Army technology, a missile falling from the atmosphere at an astonishing rate to break through the speed of sound I could not take any measures to protect. A citizen who was tired of helplessness and fear of having to accept without notice, had no choice but to send an uneasy day as long as a day wishing for a day.

Besides that, V-based weapons gave us a gap where Germany could breath for a moment from the unrestricted bombing of the Allies. The Allied Army, sarcastical that the New York Times finally succeeded in attracting Allied bombers to another place at last, had the potential of V-based weapons before V-based weapons were actually deployed An enormous amount of bombardment was carried out by "Crossbow operations" who try to crush a given given threat. Still, V-1 (the first cruising missile), the V-2 attack, or "penguin strategy" started as scheduled as if laughing at the allies' efforts. Even after that, the Allies forced to find a detachable launch point of V-2 and try to rush to destroy, but there was no big effect.

'V' is a weapon of V-1 and V-2, not 'Victory', meaning victory, but rather as taken from the Nazi Propaganda Goebbels in the national radio speech, taken from 'vergelten' It is 'V'. In other words, under the will of the Nazi fanatical destruction, it was made for indiscriminate slaughter V type weapon. Since Hitler died and German surrender and so on, the vast number of V-2 related materials and personnel engaged in the development of V-2 moved to the Allied Forces and V-1 cruised like Tomahawk Missiles, V-2 led to the development of tactical ballistic missiles like infamous Scud missiles. In addition, the V-2 related technology succeeded Apollo exploration on the foundation of the first step of space travel, which is a long-standing idea of ​​humanity

The former rocket was the first button to replace the dream of space traveling that revealed only science fiction novels to reality. However, in the absence of war, it would be a systematic, continuous support and research for space travel and space exploration, which was a faraway dream of humanity. Because Germany was developing V weapons and in the US Dr. Goddard was also studying rockets, but since the rocket at that time in the United States was underestimated for military purposes, nobody It was because he had no interest.

As the authors pointed out, humans proved their ways of creativity, cunning, and brutality in war. Ironically, the technology developed to kill human life efficiently and destroy civilization deviates from the hostile goal of the technology, for example for those who are lucky like us death and destruction Gave us convenience, no. Whether you see real people who have not abandoned nuclear weapons yet, even if human beings are selfish, the soul alone is pure as crystal. The controversy is truly an excuse.

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