
Baidu NetDisk Third-Party Downloads Accelerator | SpeedaPan(ENG)

Baidu NetDisk Third-Party Downloads Accelerator SpeedPan

Sources: https://www.speedpan.com/

SpeedPan is a third-party program that supports Baidu NetDisk. I also do not know English, may also Chinese. so Localization only relied on machine translation (like Google Translation) services. Localization work is also immature. So I hope you understand that the translation is poor and the interface is not smooth. This article also used Machine translation. Therefore, no feedback is received on translation and localization work. Therefore, no feedback is received. Instead, you can get questions about Baidu NetDisk.

Baidu NetDisk Third Party Downloads Accelerator SpeedPan English Version
<To download a file, use the [Share and download] menu>
Baidu NetDisk Third Party Downloads Accelerator SpeedPan English Version
<Click [Download] to start the download>

Now, Baidu cloud free storage has been reduced from 2T to 305G. So, the need is much less than before. However, you need a Baidu account to receive a Baidu share link. Also, free accounts are limited in speed. SpeedPan can be used to lift the speed limit temporarily. SpeedPan can also manage cloud such as moving, copying, creating, deleting, and sharing files.

Finally, an account using SpeedPan can be a 'blacklist'. The 'blacklist' account has a limited download speed and may not be available. However, there is nothing to worry about, as the 'blacklist' account will automatically be released in a week or so. I recommend using multiple accounts (like me) in preparation for the Blacklist. For your information, download the Baidu share link using the PanDownload Web version. You can use it ten times a day and you don't need a Baidu account. And 「기업용 클라우드 홈페이지를 이용해 바이두 가입하기」 link may be helpful for signing up.

• 2020/06/02: Baidu has prevented third-party programs like Speedpan/Pandownload from logging in. Also, I heard that there will be disadvantages when using such programs (this story has been heard for a very long time). Whether to use Speedpan is currently unclear.

▲ Download SpeedPan English Version

(Last Update: 27 December 2019)


Password: singingdalong

If the value of [Maximum Nums of threads] is 2 or less, it is said to be effective in preventing 'blacklist'

If the value of [Maximum Nums of threads] is 2 or less, it is said to be effective in preventing 'blacklist'.

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