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Baidu NetDisk download speed tips

Download Tips for Baidu NetDisk Free Account

When using speedpan, set the Maximum Numbers of threads value below 2

When using speedpan, set the [Maximum Numbers of threads] value below 2. That way, it is said to be effective in preventing 'blacklists.' Believe it or not.

Two ways to speed up Baidu downloads

Baidu NetDisk has again begun to give 2TB of storage space to its free account(now under a 2TB free storage expansion event). However, the download speed limit for free accounts remains. There are two ways in which the Baidu free account I know now crack the speed limit. The first is to use Speedpan, introduced in 「Baidu NetDisk Third-Party Downloads Accelerator SpeedPan」. The second is using Tampermonkey and grassy fork scripts as the ways to introduce today.

It is entirely up to you to choose between these two methods. However, whatever you choose, you can't completely get out of the 'blacklist'.

What's the blacklist? Blacklists are like penalties given to free accounts for cracking download speeds. Usually, free accounts that exceed their download quota are given penalties(The blacklist seems to apply to upload speeds these days). Penalty limits downloadable, or download speed to 10KB/s or less. Some say that the quota is 10GB per week, while others say that it is 50GB because it is expanded these days. You'll get the hang of it if you experience it yourself.

But you don't have to worry too much. Blacklists are not permanent regulations but temporary penalties. No matter how it repeats, it ends as a temporary problem. The download speed limit is then lifted in up to a week (i.e., after a week the download speed crack will be available again). For this reason, it is good to have several Baidu accounts. If one account is blacklisted, another can be used.

极简网盘助手(Minimalist Netdisk assistant)

The source of the second method introduced today is 极简博客(Minimalist blog), and scripts can be downloaded from [1.下载文件(download file) > 下载打包文件(Download package file)] of the source. For reference, this video tutorial(本期视频教程) can be viewed from the source(in Chinese).

This method does not allow multiple files and folders to be downloaded. Only one file can be downloaded at a time. If you want to select multiple files and download them in batches, refer to the following documents. 「바이두 넷디스크 복수 선택 및 일괄 다운로드」(Korean). This method also uses Tampermonkey and script.

1. Launch Chrome Browser.

2. Installing the Tampermonkey extension.

3. Installing and running the Neat Download Manager(IDM, FlareGet, XDM is also available).

4. Install the Neat Download Manager Chrome Extensions.

Download Download package file

5. Download 下载打包文件 file from the source.

We only need is a 极简网盘助手.zip file.

6. Unzip the rar file received from the source. We only need is a 极简网盘助手.zip file.

7. Tampermonkey -> Settings -> Utilities

Tampermonkey - Settings - Utilities
极简网盘助手.zip file import

8. [ZIP] -> Import, open 极简网盘助手.zip file. and Import!

9. https://pan.baidu.com, access and login.

Always allow domain

10. A userscript wants to access a cross-orgin resource. [Always allow domain].

11. Select a file to download.

Download using the right-click menu

12. Select [直链下载](Straight chain download).

13. Start the download using the right mouse menu on the blue link.

Torrent safe download by Offline Download


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