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Requiem for a Species | Will it be remembered as the worst generation in human history?

Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change | book cover
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Requiem for a Species | Clive Hamilton | Will it be remembered as the worst generation in human history?

Climate disaster already started?

In May 2013, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration exceeded 400ppm for the first time in three million years. The steadily increasing CO2 concentration is approaching 450ppm, the last line that scientists have calculated to be able to handle climate disasters. If this trend continues, it will be around 2050 when the climate equilibrium breaks. Also, as undeniable evidence of global warming and, as expected, 2016 was the warmest year in global temperature observations. Not to exceed the scientist's last hope of 450ppm would be possible only when all countries around the world are now enforcing a coercive and compulsory climate change policy. Many scientists already confess that the last time mankind can prevent climate disasters has been missed. Some of them mention signs of turning points that generate global warming phenomena and positive feedback effects, sometimes say that climate disasters have already started. African Sudan suffering from civil disturbances such as desertification, water shortage, refugees, etc. is a representative example which is a present progressive form of climate disaster and the climate war. Second, the change in climate change creation is irreversible for a minimum of a few thousand years, humanity must endure a long generation from the hell produced by the arrogance of science. Says 『Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change』 author Clive Hamilton. Even if the world is prepared, climate change is an unstoppable flow of time, and the canary, now a landmark of global warming, is dead and it is time for everyone to leave the coal mine. He asserts that climate change is not one of the many variables to come in the future, but an inevitable fact (because canaries are very sensitive to cloudy air, so past miners were an important means of measuring air toxicity in mines)

Reason why the golden generation of science and technology ignores scientists' warnings

It is really desperate. None of the books I've read before have ever portrayed the future as a gloomy and desperate hell with no hope of a future. As many reports support his argument, the compass of science goes beyond the scale of 'climate change' to 'climate catastrophe'. Nevertheless, many people are blindfolded. Nevertheless, many people are blindfolded and ignore the truth. For generations who realize the achievements of dazzling science in the past than in any generation and enjoy the benefits of science and technology, why we never wonder why we are ignoring the warnings of that many scientists.

In response to this question, Hamilton sends a final warning to mankind through a clear, terrible and depressing analysis. It explains human instinctual and psychological problems clearly and clearly, such as the psychological tendency of mankind falling into a tragedy, the tendency to avoid facts, excessive arrogance and optimism, selfish greed, loss of motivation due to desperation. On the other hand, it is evident that civilization, which is now proud of humanity, such as materialism which has won in the confrontation with naturalism, obsession with growth, consumerism, democracy decadence not only caused climate change but also failed in proper preparation. And the cold-hearted argument that the radical and radical change in the current civilization system can only reduce the damage of climate change makes us depressed.

Will we be remembered in the worst generation in human history?

Cowardly action to ignore the truth, with optimistic hope in front of the evidence of climate change, is only a stumbling block to climate change. Mankind is being pushed by a dead end cliff. It may already be falling down a cliff. However, the depths of the cliffs are too deep, they are not comprehended by the persistent obstruction of climate skepticism and the indifference of humanity and ignorance, easy, foolishness alone and do not understand the risks so far. The ultimate goal of all living beings on earth is survival. Evolution and adaptation are also just one of many means of survival, as well as human civilization. However, we often confuse means and purpose. Sometimes they are overly immersed and the means are transformed into goals.

Now, mankind must make a choice of destiny at the crossroads of civilization and survival. It is a trivial question that there is no room to think if you look at it, but it is a fact that hesitated for a long time, and human beings are hesitant even now. Even if civilization degenerates, we do not lose everything human beings have, but it is also a fact that there are many difficulties and inconveniences. However, the current climate disaster is be moth-eaten little by little the human civilization and Earth's ecosystem. If mankind abandons it without doing anything, the present mankind will not escape the condemnation of history, and will be remembered as the worst generation in human history.

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