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Inside Nazi Germany | The daily life in 'terrorism' and the desire for 'order'

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Inside Nazi Germany | Detlev J. K. Peukert | The daily life in 'terrorism' and the desire for 'order'

'Daily life' as an experience of 'small people'

In the recording film or photograph that depicts Hitler speaking in front of the masses, you can see the crowd enthusiastically enthralled as it shines while keeping the spirit that came with the whole body in Hitler's inflammatory speech. Some just together in an excitement atmosphere, because of some fun and curiosity, some others may pretend to be reluctantly enthralled so much overwhelming atmosphere, but many of them It is a fact that I believed and supported Hitler and Nazi, whether it is positive or passive. As it was, the last train of Auschwitz was able to depart exactly.

Fascism explaining Nazism and totalitarian theory say that the masses were not able to resist correctly because the mechanism of suppression of the Nazis state, such as violence, terrorism, surveillance, worked. They ignore the experience of people who are made like ordinary historians, the 'small people'. Both of theories will not substitute by research that focused on everyday life in the cycle, conveying a partial insight of the legitimate Nazism as it is. However, research on everyday life can not be replaced by the previous two theories. The first is to see the whole forest and the other to complement the departments that are sarpims of the trees that are mutually insufficient. The attempts of Nazism multilateral research can be divided into various understandings Provide a perspective that can gain deep insight.

Violence as a result of contemporary attempts to produce order

『Inside Nazi Germany (Volksgenossen und Gemeinschaftsfremde: Anpassung, Ausmerze und Aufbegehren unter dem Nationalsozialismus by Detlev Peukert)』 is, in the third mechanism is partial of the empire of oppression, but was operating normally, non of the 'small people' It shows that it could not control everything up to the governmental private part. Complaints • Frequent complaints were reported to local Nazis organizations and reported to Social Democratic Party leaders who exiled abroad by moles. However, their complaints - dissatisfaction did not lead to aggressive resistance, such as attempting to overthrow the regime or conducting demonstrations. It is co-located with the tacit consent of the system it is passive if their criticism is aggressive, the consent top of the life nor the other, that is, because had been built on top of the basic desire employment and order is there. In the memories of many elderly people, the Third Reich is frequently remembered in two achievements. Point can be placed upright in front of the door without entering a lock of the bicycle at the time, and long hair and the gang thing is that it was taken to the Imperial Labor Corps (Korean elderly Park Chung-hee era and Chun Doo-hwan is a surface, such as similar to that to miss the 'Samcheong-dong Training Center' of the regime). The Nazis, by long-term accommodated in the camp of the so-called professional criminal and anti-social gypsy and habitual gay, it was possible to obtain a wide range of support from the people. People who criticized the Nazi to torture and hold confidential holdings of the Nazis also supported the same. These day-to-day life is testament to the fact that the national cry for order was contained actively or passively consent of terror from above.

Harald Welzer is his book 『Climate Wars』, ethnic cleansing and ethnic elimination are not escape phenomena from modern alleys. It was generated as a social possibility, itself, which the development of contemporary society may cause. And as a result of contemporary attempts to produce order, explain that modern attempts to solve the social problem people felt sensibly had resulted. Next, the agreement of the Nazi regime, as often mentioned, is not from the fear of terrorism being forced by the Nazis, but as long as terrorism is aiming for 'The enemy of the community', so called Detlev Peukert's interpretation that it should be evaluated that it was attributed emotionally to this German citizen who contributed to the rebuilding of "order" is also a point.

The national consensus of ‘small people’ and ‘ruling power’

Studies on everyday life in the Nazi era explain what was difficult to explain theoretically clearly in the theory of fascism and totalitarian which analyzes the control system, the control group, the mechanism of repression. In other words, it will provide a passage that will allow you to more clearly understand how Auschwitz and Fashion's terrorism is possible, and why it was endured and partially supported. This provides a large clue where you can recognize where the support of the system comes from and what kind of everyday attitudes and expectations followed the plausible success of the "president" cheering. In a word 『Inside Nazi Germany』 makes possible a broader understanding and insight of Nazism.

Looking at various counter-terrorism policies proposed in Western society since 911 terrorism, it is modernized and citizens willingly willing to liberty to win the freedom won the hardship efforts and sacrifice for order and stability Can do. The reason why the Samcheong-dong Training Center could be sought under the Chun Doo-hwan administration was also possible because the citizens actively wished for order - passive agreement had been made. The Chun Doo-hwan administration justified their violence in the name of 'maintaining order' while cruelly suppressing the Gwangju Democratization Movement. Although the understanding and desire between 'small people' and ruling power' about the meaning and purpose included in the order and the means to acquire it act as contradiction to each other, the order can not be overlooked in modern society It is an important issue. 'Small people' support the government that maintains order for a stable life, the government must maintain order to maintain vested interests. When the Holocaust is 'small people' and the dominance system derives one agreed target of 'maintaining order', as the result of 'maintaining order' was greatly promoted by combining with racism It was just one of many possibilities that could be.

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