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My Struggle | Anyway, read this book to the end, I am the victor!

My Struggle(Mein Kampf) | book cover
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My Struggle | Adolf Hitler | Anyway, read this book to the end, I am the victor!

It is remarkable because of the tremendous thickness due to overwhelmingly overwhelming the books displayed side by side in the periphery, but for the same reason it is not easy to reach out. As soon as I unfold a heavy book that I can use as a dumbbell by putting courage at the hesitation end, Hitler is once again overwhelmed by the endless long talk and ending sentence. And it becomes totally dissolute in Hitler's choking fanatic racism.

The ambitious will when you crossed over the first page to find a way to overcome the film was corroded like a rainy train on 38 Korean peninsula, 'should you read this book to the end?', 'Value to the last If there is a weak question of I wonder if there is time' swing up like a snake tail. The doubt is that it has already ruined the intention that has become rusty already and has punctured a hole here and there and the character like a candle is slightly revealed The concentration power is disturbed and it is a trine. 『My Struggle』 was read and it was painful 'my struggle' was done. Stick like a star and eat parish will finish the doubt and shake off Shake it off Let's not throw it away Naked tits You can deliver the last chapter with trembling hands at the end spitting up to eating power.

Then, what made you show desperate patience for me and did you read through the writings of war criminals? It is wanting to know Hitler's real idea. Why would you want to know his real idea? It was because I could not believe the fact that a single person caused a war that led the whole world to catastrophe. So, I wanted to know the real figure hidden in the shadow of huge history and the arrogant prejudice of the victor. I also wanted to hear it directly from his mouth. And I read 'my struggle', and now I am 'disgraceful' if I give it a rating in a word.

Of course it was not German original, but even though I read a book that was carefully translated into Korean, it was only his limbs in his esoteric long and wide tongue, but still a work of thought that was scattered around here and there It is understood that we are deploying a reasonably consistent claim to weave together. It is the infinite will of the eastern policy for the stubborn sticking that the conspiracy of the world occupation Jews must be extinct and the struggle of the German nation's survival. He accuses German crisis at the time that it is irresponsibility of sneaky and weak politicians. How did he himself exercise his power responsibly? How did he be responsible for making himself a war in several responsibilities, even on his own awareness of immeasurable suffering? More than anything, the only thing he has to remain a despicable man is that the dignified attitude that had previously publicly claimed war with 'my struggle', like a dog who faded away and went back to the ground, The war of not wanting is only an international politician, a political will with what was caused by himself or by international politicians who were working for the benefit of the Jews I avoided the responsibility of war cowardly. This last testament is one that himself was made dirty.

It certainly was a long and steady road. Every time my disgusting racism rejoiced my head again, I constantly asked myself to read this book to the end. Even from Hitler's narrow-minded thought, it is a book that is daunting to someone even though it is boring as a matter of content. Still, this book suggests many things to humanity.

It was translated into 20 languages ​​of the time when 『My Struggle』 was published for the first time, and people from around the world also read. As you can see, Hitler's intentions are not hidden, and it seems that no one has seriously accepted this, as expressed in the whole world. If you suspect that Stalin, who was suspected of it, believed in the Toxin Aggression Treaty, 『My Struggle』 may have been shamed as much as the autobiography that contained more than Hitler's individuals. Changing frequent words of politicians and flowing clouds like pledges 『My Struggle』 is also a routine and nonstop strategic downgrade of civil war to get a sense of respect and table, strategic downgrading of European Politicians, Hitler, may have believed that in actual politics and diplomacy, attitudes may be changed and pursuit of actuality. I do not know if I wanted to believe it so. Because to war again in the situation just after World War I ended up being so tired of it.

Not all human thoughts are expressed in words or sentences, and neither words nor letters exhaled into the world are executed, but it is not possible to shift some will to actual action If it is a person who is in a position to be able to do so, and if that person shows obsession beyond his or her power, the words and sentences he emanates are not absurd enough to make you laugh or sometimes crazy people You can learn through Hitler that you should not miss it even if you are out of common sense. In that respect Hitler was honest and he was too honest, so the world could be a middle agedge.

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