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Das Ende der Welt, wie wir sie kannten | Ignoring the end, and overcoming through the cultural revolution

Das Ende der Welt, wie wir sie kannten
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Das Ende der Welt, wie wir sie kannten | Claus Leggewie, Harald Welzer | Ignoring the end, and overcoming through the 'cultural revolution'

『Das Ende der Welt(The end of the world_』, letting the atmosphere have an unusual atmosphere from the title. Now that the word 'climate change' is interesting or not, it seems to be a buzzword to hear that it is quite strong, but as climate change brings about the end of the world Bold comments can still be heard easily It was not possible to do. However, from some point saying that 'climate change' will cause 'climate disaster', bringing ruin of mankind and civilization, there is no extreme environmentalist, cold, and leaking from the mouth of logical scientists little by little I started. And now, if we can not prevent climate change, apocalyptic predictions that factually bring about the worst disaster in human history will be factualized. As a mouth of scientists, there is no favorite media or politician who exaggerates and spreads floating.

Still, many scientists do not release the hope of tying to the end. The title of this book means meaning of catastrophic 'end' as we often imagine. On the other hand, there may be meaning to reprimand insufficiently that global countermeasures against climate change must be expressed in catastrophic terms 'end'. Ironically, however, a wishful message is also included at the end of the world. Here, 'end' is not the end of mankind and civilization, but from the industrial revolution, it means the overall ending of all nonsustaining and anti-ecological systems that have dominated the earth up to now. After that, the newly appearing system will become a savior to save humanity and civilization from revolutionary epoch-making climate change crisis, fundamental assumption of sustainability as the elements of all elements.

This book is searching for 'lasting hope' of mankind not by searching for each factor such as country, politics, economy, technology, society, individuals, but 'Culture' which has a big influence covering all factors. Society that aims at individual voluntary practice, decarbonization digestion, technology to secure sustainability, the end of growth first principle economy, modernization of democracy, emergence of super-national cooperation system, It is necessary for everyone to prepare for climate change, but in reality it is not possible to see significant achievements if done only individually. Because climate change is global, changing only one person, one society, and the country alone is only to replace some rust parts of an outdated old system that brought about climate change. As with the FIFA World Cup which is a global festival, only major transformations of values ​​and simultaneous multiple reforms to prepare for climate change through the 'cultural revolution' where all people, the society and the nation participate in the world participate I can argue that this book insists.

In this new culture, people who travel by car, even those who travel abroad frequently, who frequently travel overseas, who deeply leave an ecological footprint, such as defending the old energy system or using it as it is without exchanging it An insane person is raided by a person who is inferior to the times. Meanwhile, people who have fewer ecological footprints through systematic planning and exemplary practice receive the eye of respect and envy. Also, in this new culture, sustainability is inherently considered in every corner of all sectors in which humans are involved, such as individuals, society, economics, technology, politics, nations. On the other hand, products, technologies, institutions, contracts, laws, etc. that do not consider sustainability will be thoroughly eliminated. Finally, in this new culture, how we currently contribute to sustainability through consumption different from consuming for selfish happiness and satisfaction of individuals depends on personal happiness and satisfaction .

Looking at human beings for 20 years and 50 years can not be too severe demands. Cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall says modern material short-sighted time concept comes from American culture. On the other hand, Hall explains that Asian culture is the opposite. Next, when accepting the culture of South Asian people who also look ahead for centuries, the present human race is not going to worry about special circumstances, clean circumstances, richness and comfortable future that future generations should naturally enjoy There are things that you know that you are wasting.

We can not live like this indefinitely. The authors explain clearly why people can not transfer practically while knowing the seriousness of climate change for social scientific reasons such as pass dependency, cognitive disharmony, and desk exchange. And mankind has learned even better superior liberal democracy by feudalism, totalitarianism, colonialism, socialism, communism, etc. 'World Terminal they knew', easy from the valuable experience of failure, mistake Recovery elasticity through practical learning which does not give up is the foundation on which human beings can be reborn into a better world, human beings kneel before climate change and purely accepting disaster is too many possibilities and minutes It shows the light of hope with the ability to overflow. If we can transform the climate change crisis into a new world, that is now a better sustainable world, we will have a new history place that we know, the end of the world and another leap of human civilization You could do it. If this is successful, in the distant future humanity will divide their civilization into three major categories. The primitive civilization before the industrial revolution, the industrial civilization after that, and the present sustainable civilization.

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