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30 Lessons for Living | A beautiful life formula that allows you to find solutions yourself

30 Lessons for Living | book cover
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30 Lessons for Living | Karl Pillemer | A beautiful life formula that allows you to find solutions yourself

He says he has no correct answer like a textbook on living my life. It is also called continuous boiling struggle. Crisis and overcoming, loss and healing, joy and sadness have always felt us disappointed, but thanks to our valuable experience, becoming a more mature person, constantly moving towards the future. Then we will arrive at the end of life fairly whether we are honest, lazy, successful or failed. When we are young we will also be visiting when we seemed to never come only to ourselves. There is much more time to look back than the time to live from now on, we arrive like mi when floating at this time can be confused. It is possible to feel a sense of alienation unexpectedly that the body does not become free as before. The closer the final day is to the closer the closer the last day is, the more time it takes to recall the past, so regret and self-help stifled that '... if so' regret and self-help squeezes over the later years of life Sometimes. The more I take regrets, the more my heart gets even more complicated The regret's rock The remaining life is indeed spent in the dark.

I read the phrase 『30 Lessons for Living』 and I still have no idea that life has no correct answer like a textbook. However, I discovered that there are essential formulas to find the correct answer. This is a similar 'guideline of life' overflowing like a flood, qualitatively and quantitatively different from the hints and advice presented by so-called experts. It does not require scientific redundancy analysis nor does it seem impossible to challenge. Even without such a thing, those 'the philosopher of life' are very briefly the core point of jpnanda. Their own life itself is an exit that can solve the fundamental thirst of life that we can not solve with other books.

A valuable experience of 'Life in 80,000 years, workplace life in 50,000 years, marriage in 30 thousand years' is truly melting In this book we are the most fundamental problem of your life, that is, marriage , You can find a formula of a beautiful life that you can find your own solution, such as work, parenting, happiness, aging, regret, health. As a pampering teenager who listens angrily to parents and teachers, advice from the heart of 'the wise man of life' sometimes sounds like a cliché. To the young men, their precious experiences living their lives of 80, 90 years so that they do not know the importance of time, when the time given to them is eternal like young people is just bitches and young people You can hear persistent that came out of jealousy 's jealousy. But everything will soon come to the last moment. It is not necessary to wait until the life of a person who realizes himself that the 'wise man of life' has been realized.

In fact, I have not liked such books much, as far as I have not seen books of similar genres in the library. Being stale and not having any injuries, learning a little bit more than other people, living just over half of life and living all like a mountain, like a full mountain of life, not only does not the clock awesome, the reality is not at all Because decorating decorated words is not so reliable. But this book was different. The Great Depression, a historical crisis that remains in human history, everyone is convinced by a simple, true word that has been left out in an unreasonable experience that generations who overcame the world war left for their descendants It contained the truth of sacred living. I was impressed with the sensibilities that only them can possess, a broad perspective, insight with depth, I am keenly aware of the regrets that struggle of life sticks out, enviously enjoining the meaning of life until the end. Turning one by one turns naturally tears flowing and it was only to cover the last chapter with respect to the respect that is supposed to lower the nodding and took a formidable breast.

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