

LUCY | A trip to anthropology when leaving 'Wooly women'

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LUCY | Donald Johanson | A trip to anthropology when leaving 'Wooly women'

They live buried in static that can not be imagined in the life surrounded by civilization under the hot sun far beyond 40 degrees Celsius. They are gazing at the dry ground where dust happens to search for the money that a beggar fell on the floor. Sometimes it is squatting so that feces can also be seen, as if they carefully observe the grains of the soil one by one. Whether they light up even a little, they may illuminate assets of valuable human beings, rather than jewelry. They are an anthropologist, uncovering the past soon, revealing the evolution path of mankind.

In this book 『LUCY: THE BEGINNINGS OF HUMANKIND』, when studying human fossils, anthropologist Donald Johanson reveals the complicated geologic structure like yarn, while overcoming Ethiopia's political challenge There is adversity included. And it is a report that records the process of suffering until discovering LUCY which was an important electric shop in the history of Hominidu fresh and the research process of intolerance to describe and interpret the LUCY fossil. In addition, it is interesting also the intense controversy of human origin which spreads before and after the history of paleontology before the discovery of Lucy and the time Lucy was discovered.

On the other hand, it can be said that all high anthropologists research with one purpose to say the origin of mankind. However, invisible inside the academic community, there is hidden innocence competition over honor and interest. Among the scholars who seemed to be high, not responsible for invisible competition of excavation rights, a sound criticism for the development of academic achievement, responsibility to shunt accidental partners, other scholars of the author who discovered Lucy Time and jealousy rampant. In this book, it is somewhat shocking that it is intertwined as complicated as the complex geological structure and it is ugly in the academic world. The scholars expect that vague expectation if they learn more than ordinary people and accept a lot of human readings and books as well as accepting new aspects and new things, but if you open the lid, For success the delusive obsession of greed and my knowledge and belief is as bad as the desire for research. Looking at the dark side of the academic society, there are cases where a selfless true scientist for mankind exists, whether it really exists. Perhaps they may just be people who want to succeed in areas that you can best do.

Well, as I read the book, thanks to discovering Lucy, I do not know if an emerging young scholar who became a star who became a big star will give it at a moment The figure which is concealing but concealing in front of me is visible. But even his hot sun in Africa forgets everything his passion for anthropology, which is deeply felt. And those that solved the history of paleontology in an easy-to-understand manner are also advantages of this book. Blast furnace readers do not need to listen to Lucy's discovery from the discovery of hardships leading to analysis and the process of long research bored with academic tone. Instead, the reader is like a hero of a movie Indiana Jones (as a hero who can not miss any movie) sandwiching a Wooly lady on the side, (also indispensable in the movie You will leave the exciting adventure that you can not afford even in an impending crisis situation that I met a villain in licorice of licorice. To this extent, I would like to buy high points that I dynamically wrote so that academic sentences that can increase harder when I do somewhat can come in easily in my head.

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