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First Life | Milestone of a long journey towards the origin of life

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First Life | David Deamer | Milestone of a long journey towards the origin of life

Mr. Friedrich Engels who is a member of Karl Heinrich Marx defines "Life is the existence style of protein" and accomplished a remarkable progress Molecular biologists who made a remarkable progress in the 20th century " Is a system that duplicates itself ". Rudolf Schoenheimer, a physiologist who exiled from Germany to Germany at the time of World War II, defined not as a component formed by life and elements, but as an effect induced by element flow, that is, a flow in dynamic equilibrium . In light of the complexity of life and the difficult-to-understand nature, these definitions reflect only a small part of the many properties of human life's science revealed. Anyway to acquire energy and nutrients from the surrounding environment of protein or membrane-enclosed polymer systems to maintain the sophisticated balance while constantly destroying and rebuilding your growth and reproductive system or yourself How the dynamic equilibrium state is started, that is, the origin of life needs to be revealed, and the definition of life can also be clarified. Next, what can the present science say about the origin of life?

"We do not know the answer yet", "Important but still unanswered questions to find", "No one really knows this is this", "In a situation where there is no persuasive explanation for now "There is no agreed idea yet", "This problem is also a problem that you can not easily find answers", "No one ever found it."

Although it may lead to disappointment, it is the origin of life to cause many scientists to worry about many questions and continuing questions. Currently, human beings understand the laws of physics that can explain the birth and evolution of the universe, the existence and nature of the universe. Furthermore, beyond the solar system, mankind is searching for another area with unknown life forms in the unlikely event through space exploration. Still, humanity could not find a clear answer as to how life on Earth started yet. That does not mean, however, that only quite a lot of books 『First Life: Discovering the Connections between Stars, Cells, and How Life Began』(David Deamer) are complete with only the questions and doubts that could not be solved bored. In the scientific community, this book, which has a bold challenge and stunning achievements of pioneering scholars exploring the origin of life, even though it is a small number, wants to explore the unknown world that finds the origin of life Readers' curiosity Fraud, charging at opportunities to fully satisfy your heart.

When many people dream of success becoming millionaires, they live a lifetime, scientists devote their lives to the treasure "discovery". When many people get pleasure in a few places, scientists enjoy the unlimited pleasure of finding answers by asking questions. This book is pleased with its pleasure and put the fruit of the true will and effort of the scientist who wants to share it with everyone as it is. In addition to the present state of the science of human beings of the origin of everlasting life, confess its limit also purely. By doing so, it is a milestone of a long journey to leave without finding the origin of life, a book like a strong partner.

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