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Unstoppable Global Warming | Do not be fooled by Fred Singer!

Unstoppable Global Warming | book cover
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Unstoppable Global Warming | Do not be fooled by Fred Singer!

Fred Singer is a typical climate change skepticism and collaborative author Dennis Avery is a columnist. However, the problem is quite dubious, but it is the background of the two of us.

A research paper by Park Sang-pyo(Research community <Health and alternative>) Research committee <Monsanto sells poisons 'Merchant of death' or 'Messiah' to release humanity from hunger?> Let's see.

"Avery is not just a scientist but a column list that prefers the logic of the extreme rightist," and to the singer, "Singer is quick to say that it is difficult to say bullshit assertions that the hazard of tobacco was not proved He moved to other fields and denied the corporate warming global warming. " Singer is also notorious as a contract scientist working for the tobacco industry with Frederick Seitz. In 1994 he appeared in a late-night program on television that the funds of the Science & Environmental Policy Project which Fred singer was involved in Exxon and Shell, Unocal at a large energy (petroleum) company like Atlantic Litchfield (ARCO) I admitted.
(Http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Science_and_Environmental_Policy_Project # Funding)


A web site (www.exxonsecrets.org) that collects materials posted in official documents of Exxon Mobil will receive money from this company and the names of 124 organizations closely related to those who receive money are enumerated ing. However, the interesting point is the fact that they show a uniformly consistent view on climate change. Science is inconsistent, scientists are split, environmental activists are liars, liars, even crazy people, and if the government takes action to prevent global warming, without a just reason , Claim to threaten the world economy. This group names the research results that they do not like "science of garbage", and names research that welcomes them as "orthodox science". (『Heat: how to stop the planet from burning』, George Monbiot)

That's why, considering these points, you must read 『Unstoppable Global Warming』. Simply put, 'Do not be fooled by Fred Singer.'

The core point claimed in 『Unstoppable Global Warming』 is simple. Based on the 'Dansgaard–Oeschger event' discovered by investigating the ice cores of Greenland, the global climate is repeated with global warming and cooling at an average 1500 year cycle, It is only according to such a cycle.

Thus, this book predicts the climate of the earth very simply and comfortably, with a history of life of 600 million years with just 250,000 years of materials extracted from the glacier core. Truly like this, '5 mass extinction' and other large and small extinctions should not have occurred if the Earth's climate had a very regular flow. Especially the extinction of the Permian period which extincted more than 90% of species by 251 million years ago is even more. However, in this book, the cause of such extinction is spared only by meteorite exercise, human hunting and farming work, and alien species. Even if the Permian extinction is said to be from the meteorite (although Michael J. Benton's 『When life nearly died: the greatest mass extinction of all time』 explains with a focus on Siberian trap and methane trap rather than meteorite collision) '5 mass extinction' To the extinction of the end of the Cretaceous that extinct dinosaurs inside, unless it is included, the collision of the meteorite acted as the main reason, only double is extinction. The remaining extinction, that is, the late Ordovician period, is a large Ice Age, during the late Devonian period, climate cooling(or meteorite collision) associated with ocean floor anoxidation, the late Triassic climate change In order to see. And climate change was mostly the main cause of large and small extinctions excluding 5 extinctions.

In the figure below, let's look at the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and oxygen concentration at the end of Permian extinction.

Out of thin air: dinosaurs, birds, and Earth's ancient atmosphere
(『Out of thin air: dinosaurs, birds, and Earth's ancient atmosphere』, Peter Douglas Ward, Excerpts in Korean translated version)

Even if the cause of extinction at the end of the Perm is meteorite collision, we can not explain such a high carbon dioxide concentration and extinction rate of more than 90% only by collision of meteorites. Unless Siberia trap, methane trap etc. are added here, the whole extinction scenario can be completed, For some reason, the temperature of the Earth has risen by 6 degrees with the rapid increase of carbon dioxide. As a result, the normal feedback process of the Earth has been destroyed, and the earth has become a hell of anaerobic digestion and extinction has been completed. It took more than 100 million years to reach the level of diversity of life in the late Permian.

So climatologists are worried that even though climate change takes place with the Earth cycle, artificially emitted carbon dioxide is sensitive to the climate system of the Earth. It is a small possibility to play a role. Because it is likely to lead to the sixth annihilation if it only works normally once with its initiator.

However, in this book, I ignore all the possibilities like this and are consistently consistent with the 1500 year cycle. By the way, Gerard Bond, a geologist frequently cited in this book, which relates the cycle of 1500 and solar vibration, left a very meaningful word before dying I quoted it in another book that can not be seen in books.

Prior to death, we believed that most climate change over the past 10,000 years was driven by solar vibrations and amplified via feedback like ice formation and marine conveyor strength change. He worried that people would interpret this as being a natural phenomenon of global warming so far. In an interview he did just before the death, "but that would be a misuse of the data," rather the most important lesson of their research was to "prove the sensitivity of the system itself." He also said, "If the Earth's climate system is very sensitive to very weak solar energy output perturbation (perturbation), if the Earth's climate system is sensitive to weak changes due to the sun's forcing If there is, "Other suggestions that people humbled greenhouse gas in the atmosphere," also suggested that there is a possibility of being sensitive again "(『With speed and violence』, Fred Pearce)

What Bond worried about is realized as it is by Fred Singer and Dennis Avery, so when Bond who left this world in 2005 watches the situation, my heart hurts.

Some allegations of scientists predicting climate change, like allegations of skeptics, do not have the sense of promoting fear and anxiety exaggerated to the masses, and predictions of scientists' climate are often insisted It is a real problem that far more uncertain than being done and it can be the limitation of current science.

Nobody is convinced whether or not a chain-like incident that will cause a catastrophe really will occur. However, in preparation for the war, which may not take place and does not agree to wake up, we are pouring huge amounts of money and effort. It happens only once, because it is very deadly.

During the tens of millions years we are playing in the fire when we can cash out the carbon that was buried under the ground. And we do not know the exact result and can not be absolutely secure. (『With speed and violence』, Fred Pearce)

Indeed, no one can make maximum use of how long Homo sapiens' luck can last.

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