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Frankenstein | A person wearing a mask of a monster, a monster wearing a mask of a person

Frankenstein | book cover
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Frankenstein | Mary Shelley | A person wearing a mask of a monster, a monster wearing a mask of a person

If you imagine Frankenstein it would be a horny face, a sewing trace would be like a tendon, a scratch on the forehead, and whatever you can not ignore, screws scattered into the temple to symbolize the science and machine era . Here the figure is large like a mountain, the behavior is unnatural like a zombie and Gumuda. However, this is a product produced by the imagination added in the process of adapting the original to a movie, not the appearance of Frankenstein appearing in the actual original.

Frankenstein is more famous for movies than the original novel, so it is not an exaggeration to say that 59 cases of searching on 'Frankenstein' in a Naver Movie are detected. Its influence is sufficiently magnificent, even the translator of this work expresses the appearance of 'monster(novel is his name)' with 'screw' not appearing in the novel in the work commentary. The author has expressed the appearance of this 'monster' as much as a person with a very nasty appearance of a giant This detailed description such as this(to be left for the work of people who will devote his work to the movie at a later date I do not know if I intended to do it) but dared to omit it. Because of that, or because of the influence of the movie, the reader who reads the work anyway will replenish the slightly deficient depiction of the appearance of the 'monster' with the appearance of the monster that appeared in the movie he saw , You can complete the shape of a perfectly shaped 'monster' in your head.

I read this work and was connected very smoothly with the work of 1994 starring Robert De Niro. Because I think that it is the work most faithful to the original among the related movies of 'Frankenstein' that I saw so far, but the act of Robert De Niro playing the monster plays a lot of anguish of the monster appearing in the original It is because it gave out.

If you are not reading the original, that is, if you are a reader who only touches Frankenstein movie, the word 'monster's anguish' may sound embarrassing. Most of the movie tried everything that drew only the real monster down the hero of the horror movie 'monster' in the original, so understanding the story that suffer like this rough and obnoxious monster people It will not be possible. However, the original 'monster' is so nasty that its appearance can not be expressed in words, but his mind is as beautiful as a newly born person. While mastering knowledge by himself, he is more human being than a person, sinking in the meaning of his identity and life and suffering of suffering. So he has a gentle character with a dose that prefers the original sweet and adorable thing but is excited like a monster who had to become a bad guy because of an unkind and rough person who does not accept myself I could explain to Victor carefully like a wise man. He will be intelligent and logical enough to succeed in persuading Victor if he meets with him and makes another woman of 'monster' leave the world of two people forever. is there.

However, Victor does not believe the word 'monster' after it. That's why I also made a 'monster' woman promised with him and destroyed it again. An angry 'monster' forces blood revenge by destroying the existence that Victor loves. Just for being born soon just because its appearance is obnoxious, he and his creator, Victor, have been abandoned, he wants to spend close time with people while doing a bit of precedence, but also has the opportunity to end once Absent. So even though readers can not be sympathized enough with his furious anger, homicide is evil but it is not sympathetic to his feelings of feeling of pang of conscience while doing multiple forces I can not do.

He knows to judge right and wrong, and like a normal person, he experiences a conflict at the boundary between good and evil, and sometimes suffers from the pangs of conscience. In addition, ordinary people sometimes fall into ontological root causes like no idea. Ironically it is ironic that people are called monsters, and people are more human than human beings, giving him no one chance, just because the appearance is obnoxious, people wielding the bars are monsters . When you see a monster feeling the conscience of conscience in the era when conscience is depleted, we somehow felt astounded by ourselves.

Feminism, the indiscriminate trust of science and technology and human arrogance, importance of parenting based on sexual theory, duality of knowledge, horror novel, etc. Various readings are possible for this work. The fact that various reading is possible means that it will remain as a classic masterpiece that will continue to be read in the future. And when you see the movie starring Robert De Niro along with this work together, the missing parts of the original and the movie are filled with each other as complementary as the best compatibility. As a result, the shape of the fuzzy 'monster', which is locked in the seaweed, comes out as a clear character to leave a definite presence in the mind and mind of the reader as the haze fogs away.

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