
Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account

Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage

Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage
<You cannot use an overseas phone number on the Baidu NetDisk website>
Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage
<TextNow phone number used for today's test>

Overseas phone numbers cannot be used on Baidu NetDisc

Currently, overseas phone numbers cannot create an account on the Baidu NetDisk homepage. If you attempt to create an account with a foreign phone number, you will be denied registration with the message "Overseas, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan registration is not supported." In short, a Chinese mobile phone number is required to create an account on the Baidu NetDisk website. That is not to say that there is no way out. The Baidu Cloud Enterprise website(百度智能云, BAIDU AI CLOUD) also allows users to create a Baidu account(including virtual phone numbers such as TextNox). However, it is not known when this method will be blocked. So even if you don't use it right now, I recommend that you create one or more Baidu accounts for later use.

Create an account on the BAIDU AI CLOUD homepage

1. Access to 'BAIDU AI CLOUD' account creation page.

2. Enter your country number, mobile phone number(or virtual phone number, Recommend TextNow) and click [Send a dynamic password].

Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage
<The phone number that can be used to register your account is displayed like this>
Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage
<You can get the authentication number at the same time>

3. If the phone number is not registered in Baidu, the [Register now] button is displayed with the message ‘Your phone number is not registered, click on the register will automatically register Baidu account and bind with this mobile.’ And the authentication number comes with the mobile phone number you entered. Click the [Register now] button, enter the authentication number, and move on.

* The virtual phone number may fail to register according to the prefix.

Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage
<If you come this far, you're half as successful>
Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage
<Let's do the Email binding>

4. If [Welcome to Baidu Al Cloud] page appears, it is successful in creating a Baidu account.

In [Contact], enter the ID you want to use to log in. Let's go to [Go to settings] in [Email] and bind the email. It is recommended that you bind the email. Because, when you log in to Baidu, you often require a mobile phone certificate. The e-mail authentication is available instead of the mobile phone. Gmail is currently unavailable.

Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage
<You can set your password and login ID at 个人资料(Personal data)>

5. Once you have completed your email binding, go to the [个人资料(Personal data)] page and set your password.

6. Once the email binding, ID, and password settings have been completed, check the rest of [Welcome to Baidu Al Cloud] appropriately and touch [Submit] to complete the process of creating a Baidu account.

Creating a Baidu NetDisk Account via the ‘BAIDU AI CLOUD’ Homepage
<You can get 300G if you log in using the Android app>

7. Finally, if you log in with the Baidu NetDisk app, you will receive an additional 300G of storage space. Therefore, free Baidu NetDisk users can use 305G of storage. Previously, free users also gained 2T of storage space, but now they are down to 305G.

* Please refer to this document for the English version of the Baidu NetDisk Android app.

With only one month's payment, 2T storage space can be obtained permanently.

This is the end of the process of creating a Baidu NetDisk account. Once again, it's better to do the Email binding. If you have an email binding, you can continue to use your account even if you have lost your phone number. Note that virtual phone numbers are not registered according to the prefix.

Baidu NetDisk Android App v10.0.114 SVIP Crack English

Baidu NetDisk Window Client Optimized Version English

Baidu NetDisk Third-Party Downloads Accelerator SpeedPan(ENG)

• 02/04/2020: How to free extend your free storage space from 300G to 1TB --> 「바이두 넷디스크 무료 저장 공간 300G에서 1TB로 확장하기

• 12/23/2020: If you log in with the Baidu app for 3 days in a row, an event where you can experience SVIP for 3 days is in progress. After experiencing this event, the storage space will be expanded to 2 TB(Baidu New Account SVIP 3-Day Experience Event.

• 12/23/2020: TextNow is currently unavailable. However, you can use TextPlus. By using [TextPlus App + 小度音箱 App], it is easy to create a Baidu account. Please refer to the following article. 「Simple Baidu Sign | 小度音箱」.

Be sure to email binding in case your TextPlus phone number disappears

댓글 5개:

  1. Thanks a lot... It's 100% working... It's real...

  2. textnow phone number 754 always not available

    1. Textnow cannot be used. Instead, use TexPlus. The above method is also possible, but you can also use the following 小度音箱 App.


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