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The Anatomy of Fascism | There is no limit to the appearance that fascism takes

The Anatomy of Fascism | Robert O. Paxton | There is no limit to the appearance that fascism takes

There is no interpretation or definition of fascism that can satisfy everyone!

Robert O. Paxton's 『The Anatomy of Fascism』 thinks that there is no interpretation or definition of fascism that can satisfy all people as much as possible. Less fascism is complicated. Its complexity may be due to the fact that a solid philosophy system is not in place and there is no need to protect the system while sacrificing its life. Since there is no root, there is no need to be bound by a specific philosophy or thought. You can change words and behavior at any time as tactical needs. If mobility peculiar to fascism adds, 'It changes while exercising', it is a philosophy that is rich in variety like chameleon.

Next, what is the fascism defined in this book? Fascism is a form of political behavior characterized by the decline and humiliation of the community, compulsive fear of sacrifice and sense of unity, energy, purity, which counterbalance this, Supporting nationalistic nationalist extremist political parties are inconvenient but effective cooperative relations with the traditional elite, abandoning democratic freedom, exercising violence without any ethical and legal restrictions, It is a form of political behavior pursuing goals of purification and external expansion.

(1) The birth of fascism, (1) the birth of fascism, (2) rooted in the political system, (3) power control, (4) exercise of power, (5) fascism administration choosing either radicalization or normalization Long-lasting duration, which will be a total of 5 stages of exercise Focusing dynamics and photographs taken at every moment of change Take a clear picture of this book, "change while exercising", living fascism with strong dynamics To understand, we present a new perspective to re-light fascism based on the author's belief that it must infer from their actions themselves, not fascists' plausible claims. By doing so, it is to explain the unique charm of fascism, its complex historical route, and fascism's extreme fear more clearly, thereby rescuing the concept of fascism from meaning abuse. In a nutshell this book contains a clear analysis and insight of fascism so that there is absolutely no shortage in the tremendous investigation titled "The final version that ends the fascism controversy" in the header. A wise reader of the blast furnace, if it covers the last chapter of this book, the concept that can make a reasonable definition for my fascism would be a catch. However, although I could not achieve progress to that extent, in key parts of the fascism thoroughly dissected step by step, I put in keywords 'Motility', 'Disorganization idealite' and 'Selectivity' I was able to

'Motility', 'Disorganization idealite' and 'Selectivity'

The liberal representative of the 19th and 20th century, democracy, socialist thought consistently built a logical squire philosophy system by survey compiled by prominent philosophers such as Locke, Marx, Engels. However, the human race of the 20th century caught the crisis of death and fascism was not based on sophisticated philosophy system. Besides that, during the period between World War I and the Second World War, that is, the liberalism, conservatism and communism, which are the three principles of the world order at the time, have been fighting against each other for failure and that order I was broken, I broke through the gap and succeeded.

Politics like World War and Great Depression • Economy • If social tension and crisis are fetal conditions where fascism can be felt, the popular campaign is to allow fascism to twist buds in that condition It is a fertilizer. Popular movement is indispensable in fascism so that any administration can not be a true fascist regime without mass movement. Thus, the power of fascism lies in mass movement. Here, fascism peculiar 'Disorganization idealite' becomes a detonator which strongly promotes mass movement by dropping different classes down one value sense.

Another important thing was not only the fascism movement but also the 'selection' in the process of grasping fruit, that is, controlling power. Except for Germany and Italy, the biggest reason for failure of similar fascism in Spain, Portugal, etc. is the fact that strong conservation or vested interests did not choose fascism. Perhaps they did not feel in the crisis of desperateism that the current crisis 'selection' extreme fascism, but the essential essential prerequisite for the success of fascism is the fascist challenge with the fascist challenge It is a decision maker who is ready to divide power. As its decision-makers can see in the German Nazism regime, lawmakers elected by democratic elections are no exception.

In the 21st century, can fascism stand up again?

The question of 'selection' is whether the human race who experienced the crisis of the 20th century fascism and the catastrophe once again flooded the fascism, realistic concern is also a very important keyword. Paxton (which may sound a bit eerie) says the first stage fascism can be seen in most democracies, including the United States. However, a more serious problem is the possibility that the first stage level of fascism is institutionally established and grabbing power. We have understood well that citizens of liberal nations suffering from terrorism and refugee problems agree with the law which limits their freedom too easily as a solution to this. Whether the initial fascism goes further toward power grabbing or not is partly related to the degree of the seriousness of the state · societal crisis, but most of all people, especially those who held economic, social and political power Looking back on the advice of Paxton who ran into 'selection', abandonment of the 'liberalism system' is a serious danger signal and it may be a road to self-assembly.

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