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The Saga of Gosta Berling | Language alchemist Selma Lagerlof

The Saga of Gosta Berling | book cover
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The Saga of Gosta Berling | Selma Lagerlof | Language alchemist Selma Lagerlof

A sweet story like a dream

Beautiful nature surrounded by long, long lakes, abundant plains, and blue mountains. Gosta Berling, a pastor who devoted himself to the stage of nature, and Ekebiya Knights of Nolan dealt with the story of a pleasant life. This work tells the life of reality, such as humanity, nature, good and evil confrontation, which are bored and repeated history to mankind. In addition to that, there is a fantastic story waiting for the reader to be created by the tired and witty storytellers who are tired of the difficult situation such as demons, witches, fairies and curses. It is sweet stories like honey. The reality is neither extremely good nor extremely bad. In reality, however, there is only a struggling life of people who are selfish and impractical, but who are also good. The combination of the merry tragedy and the miserable comedy that they produce shows the joy of life as a seven-color rainbow. It is fantastic to be realistic and realistic. It is a place where life is a fantasy and fantasy is our geek pastor Gosta Berling. This work is the only secret guide to guide you there.

Pleasure of 'Reading Text'

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin's 『The Life of Arseniev 』 It's been a long time since I met a wonderfully beautiful, fantastic and pleasant sentence that hits the soul's heart like this. Those who came to see the people who received the first Nobel Prize for literature in Russia, the other one in Sweden and the first female artist to receive the Nobel Prize for literature. Both of them are worthy of their reputation, and they show a staggering brush to make the readers shine more and more naturally, shining further the honor of the Nobel Prize for literature. In one word, the writing power of two people is the most perfect beauty of the many achievements that can be drawn with a myriad of word combinations.

The pleasures that can be gained by the novel are not just stories. Touch gives impression aura which the writer's unique writing power blows out is also important. If there is not such aura it means that there is no pleasures of 'Reading Text'. A novel that can not offer the pleasures of 'Reading Text' represents his limitations, and he abandoned the possibilities and artistic nature of his own literature. Lagerlof is a language alchemist who combines the alphabets that everyone uses and transforms them into fantastic sentences so that alchemists convert simple stones into precious gold and precious gold. Finally, realizing the beauty and splendor of nature does not require special knowledge or understanding, even if you feel the beauty of a sentence, you do not need special skills or high reading comprehension. However, as evil people understand the beauty of nature, people who can not reproductive susceptibility can not feel the wonder of literature. If you feel like a life-threatening with a withered susceptibility like a fallen leaf, I would like the work to get rain of moist and graceful with dry sensibility.

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