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Playing Our Game | Grown in the Western style game, Chinese yesterday and today

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Playing Our Game | Edward S. Steinfeld | Grown in the Western style game, Chinese yesterday and today

'Why China's Rise Doesn't Threaten the West', From the title this highly provocative book can serve as a full-fledged starting point for China's economic reform From the 1990s until the year that wrote this book until 2009 China, the dynamics of economic growth reform and the process of development achieved by China is fundamental that economic reform gave to China, and by deeply exploring large-scale changes, the newly established China and the world , A book trying to illuminate the relationship between the world and China with a new perspective. What receives the most intense spotlight with this lighting is that the economic growth of China was made based on the rule of Western European game which Western Europe adopted and guided. The author is in the nation's most strategic industry such as the public corporation process of China Ocean Petroleum Corporation, which was active for nine years of international advisory committee circuit, and the story behind the UNOKAR Argument which has invoked the political skit of the United States Through the wind of crazy change, China grasps to which line the game is based on the rules of Western Europe and its limits, while on the other hand it is the most realistic Western European countries We are analyzing the reality and perspective of China's advanced technology that can be worried based on the knowledge gained through field interviews.

The author is the first starting point to make a breakthrough change in China and looks directly at the institutional outsourcing of important factors leading the change in China. China, which had no basic infrastructure such as knowledge and experience for the introduction of capitalism, rules and so on, was able to transfer the authority to define social rules necessary for production activities to foreign companies, It would have been possible to incorporate the internationalized division of labor system that had been converted into nature. In the process like this, we had to import the whole international rules, which means that China 's economic reforms immediately follow the rules of the game made by Western Europe. Regardless of 'market socialism' or 'socialist market economy system', regardless of what China expresses their economic reform, China already has globalized production based on the rules of Western style games It not only deeply inherits like the gear of the system, it exceeds G1 digit not less than his role as Henem. However, it is not to overlook the surprising economic growth of China at the first glance because the fact that developed Western countries developed also engaged with China's economic growth, and in particular, Google, Apple, Intel are technically intensive The beginning of the industry was done. This means that China's steady compliance with Western European game rules can overcome the development of China to benefit Western Europe as well.

However, on the winds of this book, China does not seem to mean to live in reality. In other words, it does not rely solely on the rule of the Western style game. Xi Jinping government began to pursue the stability and change a step back in the growth-first principle policy of Deng Xiaoping. The Chinese Communist Party showed confidence in the economic policy in the sense that it does not rely on growth, such as adjusting the high growth rate of around 10% to the 7% level, has transformed the export-oriented economy into a domestic-oriented economy. Even black cats and white cats earned money well, now black cats and white cats have been converted to the times as long as money has to be used frequently. Already in China, the ratio of tertiary industry has been reborn from 'world factory' to 'world wallet' beyond the manufacturing industry since 2012. Currently, the world's largest luxury consuming country is China, not the United States and Europe. And he began to undertake substantive policies for 'China Mong(中國夢)', 'Pax China'. In the 21st century Silk Road Project called One Belt One Road(一帶一路) linking China and Europe on both sides of the sea and land, the Brix Development Bank(NDB) to combat the US and the European-led financial system, emergency reserves Investment in the Middle East, Africa and South America continues to increase, while promoting the Fund(CRA), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB), and Renminbi internationalization. This means that China has revealed amazing aspirations for their own game place and rules.

Many European countries such as France, Germany, Spain, Italy and others joined the AIIB like candy one after another, as the UK got his forearm and joined the AIIB when seeing the complexion of the United States. In the international community, what is more important than anything was proved to be the interests of our country. Until now, if the US Nuclear Famers showed effect, the future Donmato in China will demonstrate equal power with the US Nuclear Famers and broaden China's influence. This means that, depending on the circumstances, for the interests of their own country, we must also participate in the game rules prepared by China. So the encounter between Prime Minister Li Keqiang and the UK queen two years ago has a big meaning. Until just a century ago, China, which had been contempted, grew to the present queen directly and must greet him.

We should not overlook the fact that the world economy also gives way to China as China is deeply handed over like a gear of globalized production system. China revealed their intention to create game rooms and rules for themselves, and the Asia under the direct influence of typhoons from the Middle East, Africa, South America, and China that have received continuous investment from China for a long time Needless to say, beginning with the UK who betrayed the United States, many European countries revealed their willingness or participation - whether active or passive or reluctant to Chinese style games. If China seems to be able to create rules for themselves, prepare places where the rules are applied, and to mutually benefit only in that place, it is closely edited with China's economy, The economic system must change as well. However, if President Cardamom is ready to defend the rules of the United States, two huge economic systems, mainly China and the United States, can confront each other like the Cold War era. Now that we are in front of a major crash without these examples of modern capitalist history, keeping in mind the vestige's instinct that dislikes change, the provocative title of this book is China While playing in Western Europe that wishes to settle as it is without leaving the Western Western system that I am currently engaged in, it can only be interpreted that a wishful wish is put in it.

Regardless of Western Europe, China is closely intertwined geopolitically and economically, but Korea is too much a threatening existence in China. Even though Western Europe can make a fool of Chinese games as a Korean who has experienced some disadvantage, if it is excluded from the rules of the game prepared by China this time, through the third retaliation, We have experienced a lot of things we can never do. Meanwhile South Korea only Through limited third retaliation, China - for whatever reason - anyway - showed that the United States is one of the most unlikely. China still needs the technology of the United States and the market to sell their products. But even if Korea is very biased only towards the United States and Japan, China which showed a dingy temperament again - as it was also limited to South Korea - it is that you do not know what kind of retaliation it will give. It is also an unbearable situation that we can not do anything at all as China can and we can not do anything to solve the nuclear issue of North Korea and the key to unifying the Korean peninsula. Please do not hear the planting in China, on the other hand, it seems necessary to grow the stem of the economy to multinational.

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