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Planetwalker | A good way to understand yourself, 'walk'

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Planetwalker | John Francis Ph.D. | A good way to understand yourself, 'walk'

This book is a biography of a pilgrim. It is also a history book of travelers, a history of environmentalists themselves who are called "people who practice environmentalism" themselves. He saw a single responsibility as an individual after witnessing the site of environmental pollution and ecological destruction caused by the oil spill accident in San Francisco Bay in 1971. He realized that a person eccentric from a human-centric point of view that it controls ecosystems is part of an ecosystem like other lives, he practiced "environment for me" himself himself We refused the means of transportation and refused the means of transportation, lifted the US land on a 7 - year walking trip, and kept silent oath for 17 years.

Some ridiculed that individuals could change the world of silence without walking, without using power transportation methods, and others agreed to reluctantly reluctantly act with his eyesore tone. Regardless of the outcome, some people sympathize with his efforts and intentions, others are surprised at his willful willingness to abandon the material rich and comfortable life, participate in his actions Some people missed it. But most think that he is a crazy person like his parents, and for such people, the United States is a place where too many different races, various people live such a different one another There was no special thing if there was.

Unlike many people's expectations and expectations, his practice began with a small hope of changing myself rather than starting with a distant aspiration trying to change the world. His pilgrimage and oath of silence, which began with a simple faith that I can change myself as a person around me also can change in the process of trying to understand me has truly changed a lot of people. Thanks to the power of change, he was able to acquire diverse degrees even in the morning to keep silence and walking oath, and also carried out his duties more than a year from government agencies. If you walk without saying, people who move only bicycles listen to lessons in the same classroom or alumni or associates working in the same office, you can easily guess how he looked like a nerd . So it is hard to believe the tracks he left behind and the accomplishments he accomplished.

Some people who met during silence and walking pilgrims suddenly had an extreme person sticking a muzzle on his head suddenly put a 1 dollar bill instead of water into the water bottle that gave the neck to get water on holiday There was a kind grandma who will give us. Some of the people who stayed overnight before becoming famous and were giving him overnight stayed seriously trying to understand gesture gestures of his hands. A lot of people sympathized with the reason why he left silence and walking pilgrims, and he carefully minded himself because of his ordeals. The unremitting effort and strong will to change himself has spread little by little like the plague to the people he meets and it is an opportunity for retrospective and reflections to think seriously about the relationship between nature and human beings It was.

Although the world obviously changes, we have often seen when the seeds of that change are surprisingly started from such a person. Let's hope that his wishful desire to protect the earth will fly like a dandelion seeds on a warm monsoon across the Pacific Ocean, spread evenly on this small peninsula and warm our heart .

Finally, he says that walking is the best way to understand ourselves. Actually walking around a quiet place such as a park, you can feel late as all walks of life like the rhythm of the surroundings and biological rhythm walks. Meanwhile, on the inside, a variety of thoughts that have been chased by the usual busy everyday and can not be drawn out suddenly rise up Sam Sodut, and the conversation of silence that has also deviated seriously and deviantly with himself begins. A base on which the inner surface can be ripened is prepared.

Peace Pilgrim who walked six times walking across the continent for 28 years, as a story that Peace Pilgrim could not get another peace without inner peace, the dialogue with himself was a turbulent Does somehow fit into the wavelength of society to be squeezed without straining pruned exhaustion, it is an effective way to govern the inner side of us. Also, as the authors show in the vivid experiences of silence and walking trips left through this book, such dialogue with themselves is obtained through serious, pure purpose walking taken with serious monologue I can do it.

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