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Hitler. Die Deutschen und ihr Führer | Madness that exploded with the fantasy 'fear'

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Hitler. Die Deutschen und ihr Führer | Rafael Seligmann | Madness that exploded with the fantasy 'fear'

In the proverb 'A stag at bay is a dangerous foe'. Because of fear of a strong opponent, threats and intimidation which were only words at the outset after the atrophy are actually to the jaw of death, if it is about this it will die or run to a stunning blow. People as well. When a strong man eats parodies of the weak, it does not endure some of the abbreviations which are not strictly reluctantly stamped, as opposed to whether they had some reason or not, instigating their fellows and causing a rebellion. It's a desperate feeling that has lost already nothing to lose, so its anger and explosive power can not be predicted. Therefore, when colonies and slavery are operated, not only the whip but also the rebellion which arranges the carrot so much can be prevented beforehand, the utility can be maximized. Depending on the degree of accumulation, there are people who skillfully use the 'fear' that can respond with large explosive power with their charisma so there is no immediate difference and it is the main criminal Hitler of the Second World War.

Germany, which modern reasons could not expand perfect power due to historical • geographical factors, like Hitler, was fascinated by the fear of modern times. The defeat of World War I and the national trauma and economic crisis brought about by the Treaty of Versailles lead to weakening of ethnic self-consciousness, and successive failures of the democratic party here are aimed at the democracy in which German citizens are representative products of modernization I turned my back.

The lack of modern reasons in political • diplomatic • economic • social internal and external crisis led to the lack of ability to analyze and judge their situation themselves. This was the same for Hitler. They turned all causes of their suffering into external concern as a faint and weak person turns the cause of the failure too easily into the blame of others. I tried to find the answer in nationalistic myths even in ancient times that left behaviors to uncertain emotions rather than cold reason. At this time, Hitler who was a contact soldier of the First World War, the only cause of the misery the German people suffer is the catch of the Jews in the hands to tell the staff to let the masses who the crowd wanted to hear By doing so, they could be easily embarrassed by those conspiracies, and they were able to rule over the anger of the public while gaining their pleasure.

Hitler is reborn as a German rescuer, both in name and in fact, by presenting not only the cause but also further solutions to it. Hitler believed that the Jews would dominate Germany and the world and could easily inject that faith into the conspiracy theory already through their excellent incitement and speeches ability to the wet masses. Hitler who has extremely driven fear of Jews governing Germany must first take action before Jewish rule begins, that is, to defend the war with defense acts to fight against Jewish conspiracy I was able to prepare the optimum condition that the Holocaust can be executed. The fear of the Jews led to the more thorough Holocaust of the Nazis. They were afraid of the revenge of these surviving Jews.

Hitler is reborn as a German rescuer, both in name and in fact, by presenting not only the cause but also further solutions to it. Hitler believed that the Jews would dominate Germany and the world and could easily inject that faith into the conspiracy theory already through their excellent incitement and speeches ability to the wet masses. Hitler who has extremely driven fear of Jews governing Germany must first take action before Jewish rule begins, that is, to defend the war with defense acts to fight against Jewish conspiracy I was able to prepare the optimum condition that the Holocaust can be executed. The fear of the Jews led to the more thorough Holocaust of the Nazis. They were afraid of the revenge of these surviving Jews.

It was because the German people accepted the Holocaust and supported Hilaire until that day when Hitler died, because Hitler stimulated "fear" and "bread and employment" needed for survival. They set up grounds to be able to blame all the misfortunes they suffered and also set up legitimate opportunities to express anger that was suppressed by the national slump. Furthermore, given existing democratic political parties could not solve "bread and employment" until the beginning of World War II, wash away the humiliation of the defeat of World War 1 with overwhelming victory Set the nation's pride Hitler was a hero and no difference to the German citizen because it increased it up.

『Klimakriege(Harald Welzer)』 is a case of climate disasters, when importing climate refugees into Western society, while cherishing how they deal with it, examples of history Presented the massacre of the Holocaust and Rwanda as. We need to pay attention to the fact that we chose violence as a defensive measure due to 'fear' that both heterogeneous peoples will harm their stability and safety.

The 1938 Evian refugee conference dealing with Jewish immigration problems also failed and there are no signs that the Middle East and African refugee problems will also be resolved at present. Climate change will not be a problem that can be polished even in Western European society, so the worse survival condition is that Western European society is more sensitive to refugee problems because climate change will be less challenging than in developing countries It can also be made to react. The movie <Children Of Men (2006)> is very well depicted how Britain handles incoming refugees, but as it is trying to reproduce this movie In the UK, refugee problems emerge and are ongoing to the break sheets. And as we saw in the Katrina situation, the disaster paralyzes the reason of civilization.

Finally, climate refugees that climatically suddenly climate disasters are pushing dictums, only if threats to their 'bread and employment' are connected not only with the threat of only words but also with the problem of survival, that 'fear' Is abstract, as the Holocaust took the case when it approached tightly with a substantial and existential problem beyond the line to the meaning of the words, as the Rwandan massacre was like Western Europe society tried to solve the situation We will have no choice but to reconsider 'violence'. 『Hitler. Die Deutschen und ihr Führer』, a lesson learned by Hitler, warns that the cultures and reasons that modern civilization boasts, and universal ethics and morals stand and collapse before 'bread and employment'.

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